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  • API Documentation

    API standards for the following entities/systems are listed below.

    If you are serving the role of a Health Repository and only are interested in the HIP or HIU relevant APIs, please refer to the following links.

    The above APIs are essentially duplicates of the Gateway and Bridge specs, but put together as to make it clear to which set of APIs a HIP or HIU should implement to participate in the network.

    Majority of the APIs follow HTTPs Async pattern, meaning that for an API call, there is a reciprocal callback API to the requester is made. They follow a pattern of /on-<action>.

    The documentations are maintained in OpenAPI Specification (OAS), commonly known as swagger API documentation format. To view the documentation on the browser, you may follow the following steps.

    Error and Meta Codes documentation

    Many of the contracts have errors and meta codes. Please refer to the WIKI for details on Error Codes and Meta/Concept Codes

    Data formats

    Health Information is exchanged via FHIR bundles. FHIR is a standard for health care data exchange, published by HL7. The intent of using FHIR is towards standardization of schema, i.e machine readable, rather than addressing or enforcing semantic standards for interoperabilty.

    Internal app/system specific APIs, downstream APIS

    API Documentation for the HDCM, HIP and HIU are available from the source code repositories.